Saturday, October 29, 2011

TPCASTT: Poem Analysis Method

When analyzing poetry, one is, especially an AP or college level student, highly encouraged to use the TPCASTTT: Poem Analysis Method: title, paraphrase, connotation, diction, attitude, tone, shift(s), title revisited and theme.

Title: what does the title imply/mean?

Paraphrase: paraphrase parts of the poem.

Connotation- of some of the words-changing literal meaning to implied or associated values.

Attitude: What is the attitude of the author, characters or yourself?

Shift: At first we think or feel one way-then there is a shift: identify the shifts and explain them.

Title: Revisited- Any new insights on meaning or significance of title?

Theme: What is the author's overall message.

These are the steps to successfully analyze poetry. Any questions? Any comments? Leave 'em below and I will respond. Chow....;)

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