Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to Find the Author's Attiude Towards the Text?

Have you ever been in class and your English teacher asks, "so what is the author's attitude towards the text?"Well I have and it isn't a good feeling when you don't know the answer. As a result, I am showing you how to find the author's attitude regarding the text as a whole. Okay. Ready,Set, Let's GO!

First: Familiarize yourself with the author. Ask yourself: "Is he an objective or subjective author?"
If he is an objective author he will do the following: avoid personal comments, demonstrate in his work the pros and cons, and make an attempt to inform the reader.

On the other hand, a subjective author will strive to offer their personal opinion.

So, you chose if your author was objective or subjective. Now it's time to give you some words so you can explain yourself.   
                                Use these words to show your author's attitude.
** Please do not limit your self to these words. If you need a plethora of words to describe your author's attitude, get one of these words and put them in a thesaurus, you will have a greater bank of words to choose from.

Objective: impartial, unbiased, one-sided, neutral, fair, matter-of-fact.

Subjective: partial, biased, one-sided, unfair, prejudiced, ironical.

How to figure out the author's tone? The author's tone or voice is revealed to the reader by their word choice, organization, choice of detail, and sentence structure.

Thank -You for reading. Please leave comments below. If you need a specific article, please tell me and I will try my best to produce it for you. Thank-You once again...:)

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